Magic Carpet Ride

A friend tried to keep his balance as he stuffed the water bottle filled with some of earth’s finest goodies into his cowboy boot.

As the four of us hopped in the Uber, we took swigs of the herbal concoction until we reached our destination.

“What can I get you?” the bartender asked.

“Water,” we said simultaneously.

She gave us a quizzical, yet not quite judgmental look, and smiled as she placed them in front of us.

I’d have preferred to not be at a bar, but this one was quiet with little nooks to roam and hidden spaces to find the quiet.

We climbed the stairs while we were still able to and made our way to the deserted balcony. Away from people not partaking in the journey and the closest thing to nature at the bar.

I squirmed in a chair, but my body couldn’t find a comfortable spot. I yawned and knew take off was approaching. I glanced down at the green, astro turf carpet.

“Fuck it,” I said as I laid down.

I stared at the glimmering stars before closing my eyes.

My buddy gave me shit before realizing it was a good idea and joined me on the ground. For the longest time, we roamed the inner highways of our minds in silence. My thoughts ventured to the recent strife in my relationship and myself. I self-guided through such painful, yet beautiful, clarity. And reminded myself to take deep breaths as I saw things for what they were without my ego.

“The recent honesty, communication, appreciation. Why couldn’t we be as honest in our relationship as we had been out of it? I recognized a need for growth & didn’t feel the need to discredit the emotions or time spent with that person.  A realization of my attempt to harness his wild spirit while clinging to my own. I acknowledged the resentment towards myself for abandoning my needs and trying to trade them for his happiness. A tranquil wave of calmness… I understood the need to let go of expectations. And the need to just be.”

Tears glided down my face as I released what was supposed to be.

I came out of the sea of reflection and found myself capable of stringing syllables together.

“Damn, I needed that one. Such a release,” I said.

“I know what you mean. It’s like when you’re in the 15 items or less lane at the grocery store. You count and know the old lady in front of you has 16. But, grudges, just gotta let that shit go. That the heavy stuff you’re talking about?”

“Yea,” I smiled, “That’s exactly the stuff I’m talking about.”

The patio door flung open. Eyes wide, I followed a pair of wedges and a pair of flip-flops from the floor until they became two familiar faces smiling over us.

“There y’all are! Wait, why are you on the ground?”

We giggled.

“How much did y’all take? You were supposed to only drink a capful or two at a time. It’s more potent as tea.”

“What happened to instructions coming at the beginning?” I asked.

“Need anything?”

We held up our empty water glasses.

As they went to get refills, our eyes met in a “well, since we can’t take less, or quite frankly, un-fuck ourselves, we might as well buckle up for the journey” type of way. Ya know, just trying to make the best of the situation.

“Maybe just a tinsy bit more,” he said and reached into his boot.

“Just for good measure,” I said.